Adults Library Events

Retirement Party

This month, librarian Betty Snyder will be
retiring from Library District #1.
She has worked for many years at the Highland library, greeting everyone who came through
the door with a warm smile.
We are inviting everyone from the community
to drop by the Highland library on
Wednesday, September 16th
between 10am and 2pm

to give Betty a hug and well wishes on her retirement.

Refreshments will be served. 
Adults Library Events Renovation


We’re on a roll with the renovation!
Last weekend, a crew of amazing volunteers came in and
worked on clearing out the
back storage and cutting out a section of floor
to make room for stairs to go from the top floor
out to the back as an emergency exit.
We also had volunteers who brought sandwiches,
chips, and bottled water for the workers.
Thanks so much to everyone who helped out.
We’re planning on having more weekend work
sessions in the next few weeks.
If you’re interested in helping out, like us
on Facebook and we’ll post volunteer sign-ups, dates,
and times there –
You can also call us for information at 785-985-2597.

Adults Library Events

Do you have a smart phone or tablet?
Ask us about FREE apps from the library so you can get content
without paying for it. We have digital movies, television shows,
e-books, and e-audiobooks, all available for free through the library.
Come in to any branch and ask about how to get free content using Hoopla digital or the Kansas Library Card.
We can walk you through how to install the apps and
start getting FREE stuff.